
C3G Articles

Aubrey's Story

This short story has been developed to serve anyone who is in career transition and finds themselves frustrated by the process. The simple principles outlined are more life-impacting than any other job search strategy we’ve uncovered.

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Key Success Factors

This article provides encouragement and ideas on how to be successful in your career search.

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An Overview of C3G

A document outlining the the principles and background of Christ Centered Career Groups.

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The Reason For My Hope

I don’t have all of the answers but I’ve asked most of the same questions you have probably pondered. This short paper is written for those of you who share this struggle and have similar questions about God; who wrestle with life and eternity but still haven’t reconciled where God fits in our day-to-day existence.

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3rd Party Resources


80% of all jobs are not advertised. This article has key networking advice!

By John Richie

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Couples and Job Loss

Perspectives and guidance for the unemployed and their spouses.

By Kathy Carnahan

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If You're Between Jobs

Biblical encouragement for those who are between jobs.

By Paul McGraw

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Georgia Department of Labor

For unemployment claims, assistance, education, etc.

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Job Search Advice

A personal account from someone who journeyed through unemployment.

By Hope Chalmers

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Book Recommendations

Surviving Unemployment

Cathy Beyer, Doris Pike, and Loretta McGovern

Living Through Job Loss

Ann Kaiser Stearns